Canal, swim exit to the right
Bike Course
I hopped on my bike and headed out, picking up speed quickly into a 90 degree turn with barricades on either side. I was wet, my bike was wet from dew, and I wasn't quite used to the brakes on the race wheels. This all combined for a nice little wipe out within the first mile of the bike. Bad news is I had to bike over 111 miles on a TT bike with road rash on my elbow. Good new, my injuries were no worse than road rash and a nice large bruise on my hip.
The rest of my bike was a bit less than stellar. I had minor issues throughout but no other major issues other than being much slower than I had hoped. My elbow bothered me on and off, it's hard to say how much it really affected me, physically and mentally.
My run started off at an ok pace for 16 miles. The pace I was going would have made for the slower end of my goal run time. Except after mile 16 everything fell apart. I couldn't drink enough, I didn't have enough calories, my knee started to hurt, and I kind-of wanted to cry! The last 10 miles of this race were probably some of the hardest miles I have ever done. I did finish, but now wonder if that was even the best decision as my leg still isn't quite right.
The race was far from what I had hoped and thought I was capable off, but I learned a lot and overall had a great time in Texas. Thanks to everyone who supported me along the way-, Kyle's Bikes, TYR, Krueger Chiropractic, my parents, my homestay, and all my other friends and family.
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